What is ambition? You may look at your friends, family or colleagues who look like they’re highly ambitious, but everybody’s goals are different. For some, their aspiration is to own a home. For others, it may be to start a family or a business. 

CGU’s Ambition Index has explored Australia’s ambition and it’s shown that most of us wish we had a little more of it. But have you ever stopped to think about how ambitious you are? Answer the questions below to find out how you measure up.


  1. Which of the words below come to mind when you think about ambition?
    A) Determination and resilience 
    B) Perseverance and sacrifice 
    C) Competitive and assertive
  1. Do you feel comfortable talking about your ambition with others?
    A) Yes, it helps me visualise my goals
    B) Not really, it makes me feel like I’m bragging
    C) No, it’s personal and I’d rather keep it to myself
  2. Do you feel you are in a position to act on your ambition?
    A) Hell yes!
    B) Maybe, if I prioritise a few things in my life 
    C) Not at the moment, there are too many important things I need to focus on right now
  3. Would you say ambition is your greatest asset?
    A) Yes
    B) It’s not my greatest asset, but it’s one of them
    C) No
  4. Have you thought about reaching a goal in the last five years?
    A) I think about it all day, every day
    B) I’ve thought about it every now and then
    C) Not really, I fear failure
  5. Do you have a timeframe to act on your ambition?
    A) Yes
    B) Sort of
    C) No
  6. What sacrifices would you be willing to make to work toward your ambition?
    A) Save every dollar I can spare
    B) Budget my spending
    C) None, sacrifices don’t need to be made
  7. How many hours every week would you spend working toward achieving your ambitions?
    A) 10 or more hours
    B) Less than 10 hours
    C) A couple hours or less
  8. You feel you will achieve your ambition within…
    A) The next 6-12 months
    B) The next 5 years
    C) I haven’t committed to a timeframe
  9.  How close are you to reaching your ambition?
    A) Extremely close
    B) Half way there
    C) Not at all close




Mostly A: You are highly ambitious

You’re a go-getter and are full of ambition. Your willpower is the petrol that keeps your engine running. You fit within the 6% of Aussies who believe ambition is their greatest asset and when you know what you want, you go out there and grab it with both hands. You let your passion fuel the fire in your belly and love crossing off your to-do list. Continue kicking goals the way you do!


Mostly B: You are relatively ambitious

You have your list of aspirations and are willing to make sacrifices to achieve them, but they aren’t at the top of your list of priorities at the moment. A staggering 88% of Aussies believe that those with ambition should be supported – your drive and ambition are evident, you just need a little push in the right direction. Keep your purpose at the forefront of your mind and you’ll reach your goals in no time.


Mostly C: You aren’t fazed by ambition

Being ambitious isn’t one of your biggest priorities. But that doesn’t mean ambition is out of your reach. We all have moments in life when we lack ambition, with 44% of Aussies saying that their fear of failure has stopped them from chasing their goals. A push in the right direction can help from time to time, and sometimes all it takes is a little motivation to make the first step. Becoming more ambitious takes focus, commitment, hard work and patience.