NSW Insurance Duty Exemption

As part of their budget announcements, the NSW Government introduced legislation to make insurance more affordable for small businesses by removing stamp duty from certain insurance products.

From 1 January 2018, small businesses (generally with under $2 million in turn over) are not required to pay stamp duty on certain types of insurance if they declare their business is eligible for the exemption.

Obtaining a stamp duty exemption

The NSW Government requires small businesses that are eligible for an exemption to complete a declaration confirming they meet the exemption criteria.

When you take out a new eligible business insurance policy with us, we’ll apply the exemption once we receive your written declaration.

If you’re an existing customer, you’ll also need to declare your eligibility prior to the renewal of your policy.

In addition to the small business stamp duty exemption, effective 1 January 2018, farmers and growers are no longer required to pay stamp duty on crop and livestock insurance.

This will be automatically applied for eligible customers, and does not require a declaration.

For more information, see the Frequently Asked Questions below, or visit the NSW Government website www.revenue.nsw.gov.au/taxes/insurance

Declare your exemption by visiting the declaration pages:

For personal insurance:

For business insurance:

Frequently asked questions

How is the NSW government changing stamp duty legislation?

As part of their budget announcements, the NSW Government introduced legislation to make insurance more affordable for small businesses by removing stamp duty from certain insurance products.

From 1 January 2018, small businesses (generally with under $2million in turn over) are not required to pay stamp duty on certain types of insurance if they declare their business is eligible for the exemption.

What is the NSW insurance stamp duty?

The NSW Insurance Stamp Duty is a tax on insurance transactions.  Stamp Duty is collected by the insurer when your policy renews or you pay your first premium.

The amount of duty payable depends on the type of insurance product, and ranges between 2.5% and 9% of your insurance premium.  You can find out more about the NSW Insurance Stamp Duty on the NSW Government website

What types of insurance are eligible for a stamp duty exemption?

The stamp duty exemption applies to the following types of business insurance:

  • Commercial vehicle insurance (for a motor vehicle used primarily for business purposes)
  • Occupational indemnity insurance
  • Product and public liability insurance

In addition to the small business stamp duty exemption, effective 1 January 2018, farmers and growers are no longer required to pay stamp duty on Crop and Livestock insurance. This will be automatically applied for eligible clients, and does not require a declaration.

Which businesses are eligible for a stamp duty exemption?

Small businesses which meet the eligibility requirements set out by the NSW Government are eligible.

You are considered a small business for the current year if:

you carry on a business in the current year; and one or both of the following applies:

  • you carried on a business in the previous year and your aggregated turnover for that previous year was less than $2 million;
  • your aggregated turnover for the current year is likely to be less than $2million

How do I receive the small business stamp duty exemption?

The NSW Government requires small businesses who are eligible for a stamp duty exemption to complete a written declaration confirming they meet the exemption criteria.  

When you take out a new business insurance policy with us, we’ll apply the exemption once we receive your written declaration.

If you’re an existing customer, you’ll also need to declare your eligibility in writing prior to the renewal of your policy.

Business Insurance CustomersDeclare your exemption online now

Personal Insurance Customers (with business use) - Declare your exemption online now

Do I need to complete the declaration to recieve the appropriate small business stamp duty exemptions?


Will the small business stamp duty exemption be automatically applied to my policy if I'm eligible?

No. To be eligible for the small business stamp duty exemption, the NSW Government requires you to complete a written declaration stating your business is eligible for the exemption.  To obtain an exemption, you’ll need to complete a written declaration.

Business Insurance CustomersDeclare your exemption online now

Personal Insurance Customers (with business use) - Declare your excemption online now

What if I don't declare my business is eligible before paying my renewal?

It’s important you declare if your business is eligible before your insurance cover period starts.  Unfortunately, we are unable to backdate exemptions if you declare your eligibility after the start date of your cover.  We can only apply an exemption after your cover has started by cancelling your current policy and taking out a new one.

What if my policy is due for renewal before 1 January 2018?

If your policy renewal date falls before 1 January 2018, the current Stamp Duty will still apply.

If my policy due date is before January 1 but I pay after January 1, will I have to pay stamp duty?

Yes, you will need to pay the stamp duty. You are only exempt from stamp duty for policies with an effective date of 1 January 2018 onwards.

Do I need to complete the declaration to receive crop and livestock insurance stamp duty exemption?

No. Crop and livestock insurance stamp duty exemption are automatically applied at renewal and for new quotes from 1 January 2018.

Can I still get a stamp duty exemption if I pay by instalments?

Yes. You will still be able to apply for a stamp duty exemption on any policy that starts from 1 January 2018 and onwards.  If you are currently paying by instalments, you will be able to apply for the stamp duty exemption at your policy’s renewal in 2018.

Are there any penalties for false declarations of eligibility?

Yes, penalties apply if you make a false declaration.  It is important that you ensure your business is eligible for an exemption before completing the declaration.  For more information about false declarations, please visit the NSW Government website.

Where do I go for more information?

You can visit the NSW Government website to find out more information about the state budget changes how they will affect your insurance stamp duty.